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[EROTICA] Getting Dressed Appropriately - Part 1

She breezed into the room, business-like, Her slippers making no sound on the cold marble room. She paused to regard the object suspended in the middle of the room like a jaguar considering whether its prey was worth descending from its perch. She rolled the coloured egg in Her hand as She stood, the other hand on Her hip. Bringing the egg up to Her full lips, She kissed it, planting Her mark on the eggshell. She stalked forward, unable to resist a devilish smile creeping across Her face at the scenes racing across Her imagination, all featuring the poor object before Her.

The blindfold may as well have been welded to my eyes. Not even a trickle of light could get through, and I had no sense of what day or time it was. When I walked through the door into the Mistress’s dungeon, I had been knocked unconscious. The next thing I knew, I couldn’t see or move, but after my initial struggle had realised the familiar feeling of hanging from the ceiling with my hands bound behind me and my legs above my head. My chastity cage had been removed.

It was that last fact that was the most terrifying. Mistress Caittrin never liked free cocks unless it was to fuck with them. Even so, she isn't interested in fucking male alphas. To have gone to this extent meant Mistress had something big and potentially life-changing planned. My cock betrayed me with a twitch at the thought.

I jumped in my restraints when a strong hand whipped my exposed bottom with a slap. I felt something being placed in the small bowl of my belly button and stay there. Mistress’s warm, soft hand snaked down my abdomen, fingers splitting over my cock before settling on holding my balls. I felt Mistress’s breath in my ear as she spoke, feeling like her voice was reverberating over my eardrums and her low, animated voice was entering my brain directly.

“Careful now, that is a very precious item. Do. Not. Drop. It.”


My balls stung from the sharp slap delivered to it, and I could feel them trembling and protesting as Mistress squeezed them.

“Good boy... You didn’t drop it even after that. But no talking. This is not a discussion, and it definitely is not a choice for you. I’m just here to tell you what is going to happen to you and why.”

Mistress had started to play with my cock and balls, lightly stroking and using Her nails over the tip of my sensitive cockhead. She quickly squeezed out a drop of pre-cum.

“This is the problem.”

I shivered at the dissatisfaction I could hear in her voice.

“After all my training... this is all you can produce??? You need to understand that I need pre-cum of the highest quality from charming lads for My skincare business and as My factory, you are simply not meeting the required quality and quantity. So today, I intend to fix that.”

The blindfold was removed, and I blinked at the sudden light. Mistress grabbed my head and forced it down to look at the item that She had placed in the valley formed by my belly button. It was a teal coloured egg, with a deep crimson kiss mark. Mistress released my head, and I looked up at Her. She had light blue coloured contact lenses on today, and with Her long straight black hair and bangs, had the look of a westernised Chinese doll. She wore a deep gray silk bodysuit that emphasised every inch of Her curves, but hung loose around Her chest, allowing tantalising glimpses of Her cleavage.

I didn’t notice Mistress had taken the egg until I felt something warm pushing against my asshole, and soft groan escaped me as my asshole opened up and swallowed the egg that Mistress had pushed into me. Mistress kept going until the egg rested squarely on my prostate, and if anything, was becoming warmer by the minute.

“Aren’t you excited? You’re going to be a MOMMY soon! To a nice, cute... tentacle... BEAST.”

Mistress smirked at the blank look on my face. Tentacles? Did that even exist?

“Clearly you have questions, but I’m not going to bother answering them unless you survive this treatment because I’ll be wasting my breath otherwise.”

Mistress gently wrapped Her hand around my throat. She leaned in close, Her eyes glaring into mine, Her hair brushing softly against the side of my face as She started to strengthen Her grip, steadily cutting off my air until I was choking.

“But I didn’t invest so much into you for you to wimp out, so DON'T you dare let ME down,”

Mistress snarled.

Abruptly, Mistress let go and gave me a sweet smile.

“It’s going to feel quite special when you’re fucked by something you gave birth to. But I digress. Let’s get you started.”

Mistress snapped Her fingers, and I started as I felt the egg begin to throb, setting off sparks of pleasure against my prostate. My cock began to twitch in time with each throb of the egg.

“Well then, I shall leave you two to it. Have fun! I know I will be.”

Mistress Caittrin petted me on the head and turned to walk out the door.

She returned to the monitor room. There were multiple screens all showing the slave from different angles. She brought out Her favourite rabbit vibrator and settled in for the show.

Mistress hadn’t put the blindfold back on, so I stared endlessly into space. The only source of light was the halo that I was hanging in, as the clear star of the room. The egg was getting hotter and hotter, and throbbing faster and faster until it was almost vibrating. After all the training that Mistress had put me through, the vibrations on my prostate left me shifting and moaning, drops of precum beading at the top of my cock.

I heard a low crack. My ass seared with pain as I felt sharp edges stab into my anal walls. I shrieked and then screamed more in fear and surprise as I felt something moving and squirming inside, pushing the sharp edges deeper. The “something” kept bunching up and expanding, as if there were several extremely thin dildos expanding outward inside me, bouncing on my prostate and fucking me, dragging on my increasingly sensitive walls upwards and downwards at the same time.

My ragged screaming was cut short by a sudden rush of heat and blood, transforming into rapid panting. It was like a tsunami of lust and horniness had erupted in me with nowhere to go, and thus kept building higher and higher until it became my entire world. I could barely breathe, let alone make a coherent noise. My cock was rock hard and throbbing, bouncing with every rapid beat of my heart. I felt my mind overheat, the searing pleasure like lava running up and down my spine as I started jerking and humping the air. My skin was so sensitive that the air brushing against my swinging cock was like a sash wrapping and tugging around my cock, spurring me on even further.

I squeaked again as I felt several pinches on my prostate. The thing inside my ass had gotten progressively more violent; it was fucking me harder and faster until I could feel it writhing in my deepest places, but also bashing in and out of my rectal ring. I could feel myself loosening and opening more readily, allowing for more and more of the thing to come out until it finally revealed itself.

Tentacles. That’s right, plural. The tentacles waved around in front of me as if appraising me. I just stared mutely at the dancing tentacles until a hard pulse from the knot against my prostate caused me to yelp, my lower half going numb from the pleasure. A huge dollop of precum was squeezed out of my cock, splashing against my stomach. And it kept coming, pulse after pulse, pre cum starting to coat me and collecting in my belly button. I had no idea how I was producing so much, but neither did I care; any thought I tried to think was quickly fucked out of me as the tentacle knot continued to have its way with me.

Mistress’s voice came in, breathily, over the built-in intercom. Clearly, She had been enjoying herself.

“I see that you have given birth! Congratulations! I’m sure you must be wondering what’s going on.”

Mistress snickered,

and I moaned as Mistress’s voice seemed to invigorate the tentacles. The tentacles pounced on the precum that was spread over me and started to wind themselves around my cock. I watched, fascinated, as the tentacles sheathed my cock, leaving only my leaking head untouched, like the world’s most absurd flower.

“See, this tentacle beast lives on sexual fluids. It has a voracious appetite too. The pain you felt at the start? That was the shell, which contains a special chemical compound that, among other things, massively increases your sensitivity and need to fuck and get fucked. Permanently. So not only does it make you into my horny, leaking, pre-cum fountain, it does the milking too.”

I could hear a faint buzzing in the background of the intercom.

“Over time, your body will be modified to the point where you’ll just be leaking all the time, and the hornier you are the more you will leak. You will wear the menstrual cups– It's reusable and eco-friendly, of course, because you’re going to need every bit of drop you can get – and bring a jar around with you so that you don’t drench your pants wherever you are. And I’ll always have the supply of pre-cum I need. That’s not even taking into account the other changes that would happen as a side effect. Isn’t this the best thing ever?”

Mistress’s delight and satisfaction was matched only by my confusion and fear.

“But you won’t have to… to…”

Mistress began to pant harder.

“… be worried about pants for a while…”

The buzzing grew stronger, Mistress’s voice becoming rougher.

“Because I…”

was punctuated by a high-pitched gasp from Mistress.

“…intend on using this tentacle beast to… its fullest… Potential!”

Mistress screamed as she came, and the tentacle beast went wild inside me.

By now it was a full-on piston, the tentacles latching around my cock as an anchor. The beast seemed to be able to modify its length so that no matter how it moved, no matter how much it pulled out and plunged back in me, some part of it was crushing my prostate. It was all I could do to keep breathing, and the tentacles were causing me to gasp and moan and beg with each thrust.

I registered other faint pinches around my balls but, lost in getting brutally fucked, I flopped around in my restraints helplessly, completely focused on the pounding I was taking and how near I was to cumming. It was only when Mistress flicked on the video screen that was in front of me that I realised what had happened.

The tentacles had now covered my balls and my butt. They had become tentacle yoga pants, except they ended at the top part of my thighs. The pinches in my balls and now my butt intensified. Heat rushed into them and I whimpered and jerked as I felt my balls churn, as if they were liquefying and turning into magma.

The room filled with the amplified wet noises of Mistress frantically jilling Her pussy.

“Can you feel that My slave?”

She panted.

“The beast working its magic on your balls, filling them up to capacity and driving them right over their limits so you have more, always more to give to Me?”

Mistress brought herself to another orgasm.

Hearing the sound of Mistress’s wet pussy, knowing Mistress was masturbating and coming hard because of me drove me over the edge. Shaking and thrashing, the tentacle pounding my ass and prostate intensified and I felt myself cumming, hands-free, the tentacle pounding every drop of cum out of me and-

The tentacles that had been surrounding my cockhead sprung into action. They covered my cockhead and dived as one deep into my urethra. They dived right to the base of my cock and bunched up, preventing even a single drop of cum from escaping my cock. I writhed and thrashed and screamed as my need, my utter wanton want to cum, boiled over. My balls, which were already a third bigger, screamed with me in frustration as I felt them churn and jerk as they produced more and more cum to no avail. My balls felt like a expanding sack of jelly that was weighing heavier every passing second. I felt like I could explode, but every time I approached the explosion point it would be yanked higher, and I would grow even more delirious with the need to cum.

At the same time, I was becoming so sensitive that I could almost feel each individual tentacle in my ass as they curled together to make a fist, literally punching my prostate until I couldn’t feel my legs, only the sensation of being royally fucked spreading out across my body from the supernova that was my ass.

I didn’t even notice when my restraints loosened and I dropped to the floor. I was too busy squirming on the floor as the tentacle yoga pants continued its assault on me. Out of my mind, I instantly reached down to touch myself, anything to try to help myself to cum, but the tentacle pants snapped out two tentacles, wrapping around my wrists and binding them together. All this while, the tentacles around my cock and deep inside continued to writhe and stroke and fuck my cock, while the pounding in my ass was relentless.

I could not do anything but collapse on the floor, completely helpless. A boot came clacking up to my face. Instinctively, I tried to grasp it with my bound hands, catching it and licking the boot, as if it would help me cum. As I slowly pulled myself up Mistress’s leather-clad leg, I was begging incoherently and humping myself against Her leg.

“Awww look at you, My poor, dear, slave. Just look at yourself, you’ve become My little sack of cum, the tiniest thing could just make you spurt and spew all over the place now, wouldn’t it? Would you like to cum?”

I looked up at my Mistress, the light behind Her shrouding Her face in shadow so I could not see Her expression. All I knew was that the look I had on my face was one of indescribable hope and submission, that all I ever wanted was to do what She told me to and that was to cum, but even then…

Mistress stepped on my cock and I could see and directly feel the tentacles squirming in agitation, causing me to gasp and moan, even more, clutching to her leg.

“Not yet, My dear. You aren’t even halfway done yet. I can tell you that your “treatment” is not going to end until I decide when your changes are sufficient for My purposes.”

At my mewl of despair, Mistress leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead, but ground down harder on my cock at the same time.

“Now, I’m going out for My spa day and I don’t know when I will be back. Don’t worry, the tentacle beast will feed you while I’m gone, and let’s just say you won’t have any solid food desires when the beast is done with you. I will only decide on whether you are allowed to cum after I am back, and after a spa day I’m usually in a good mood so there’s some hope for you! So be a good boy and play with the tentacle beast nicely!”

Mistress shook me off, and walked off towards the door, turning off the lights in the room.

“Oh and by the way,”

Mistress said to me right before she walked out of the rectangular block of light,

“it’s only been an hour.”

The door shut, and I was plunged into complete darkness.

To be continued....

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Special thanks to slave raichu for the erotica submission + Edits by Yours Truly .

*Disclaimer: Note that the write up above is fictional and consists of CNC scenes. None of these events occurred in reality and any resemblance is just a coincidence.

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